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Deep Screening: Personalized Background Checks That Save You Time & Money

Stop wasting time on manual background checks. Deep Screening handles internal and contractor background checks with the efficiency you crave. Our system frees you from tedious tasks, allowing you to focus on what matters.

Benefits of Deep Screening's Personalized Service:

  • Effortless Initiation: "Initiate" a background check, not just order one.
  • Streamlined Process: Skip gathering PII and paper forms.
  • Automated Drug Testing: Automatic registration and email delivery.
  • Reduced Errors: Hold criminal research until identifiers are confirmed.
  • Deeper Dives: Analyze serious cases for informed pre-adverse action.
  • Customizable Verifications: Create personalized questions and request written verification with your documents.
  • Expert Attention: Licensed investigators provide thorough screening for every candidate.